Tuesday, February 22, 2011

congrats mafia !!

WEEEHOO~ aLL fashionista !!
what's up today and peace aLL....

weLL, it's a quick update to congratuLate my former mafia girLs who turned out one of the best fashionista Listed in the MARCH INTREND magazine as 50's best fashionistas bLoggers...who do u think ??? yupsiee..it's FARAH MISLINA peopLe...oh ! my, CG bukan Laa baru nak mengaku this crazy girL is my schooLmates back in sekoLah kebangsaan ampang duLu, aLways je rase budak mafia ini one of my friend dari duLu sampai sekarang but distance puLL us apart...ok farah, i won't teLL them how messy u are duLu...ngahahaha~ *giLa*

weLL to aLL hijabers and fashionista yang cooL, kaLau nak beLajar pakai hijab yang cooL and funky, boLeh Laa ke BLOG OH FARAH nie...weLL, i wouLd say that dia punye Line up sebaris dengan hana tajima, MARIA ELENA yang cooL giLa tuh, CIK ANNA yang memang fashionista habis and aLL pretty Line up hijabers Lah...so, if u guys memang giLa shawLs, tak takut nak bergaya and yang penting ade keyakinan nak bergaya feeL free to visit their bLogs here and korek sebanyak mana iLmu dari nak pakai hijab sampai Lah nak make up and aLL that...so, jom terjah bebeh :

ini di curi dari bLog mafia *peace, haLaL ok*





CG seLaLu ikuti perkembangan mereka as a siLent reader jee Lah *mereka adeLah sangat faymous ok*

di bLog mereka, korang boLeh tengok ramai Lagi girLs yang seangkatan dengan mereka which they caLL them as the scarfLets and aLL that...so, keep on making a fresh fashion for hijabers peopLe~ eventhough i'm not that giLa dengan fashion but a teenage girL, fashion is aLso my worLd...they are cooL Like thousands of seriosLy !! (^___^)v


oh farah said...

haha. gedik la kau! aku mana ada selekeh dlu! :D thanx mate!

cik gojes :) said...

farah : cube aku tempek gambar kau dengan schooL uniform yg serabai tuh...u'LL see the difference..haha..sokong kau padu2~