Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Favourite Boy cover (amended from "Favourite Girl" by JB) - Najwa Latif

what's up ???

btw, hari nie 18 mei...weLL, it's my dad's birthday and my former schooLmate, hafizah saLwa a.k.a wawa !!! happy birthday to both of u !! may aLLah bLessed u guys~ to ayah, semoga dimurahkan rezeki and biar rezeki meLimpah ruah Lagi, so anakmu ini boLeh Laaa dapat extra pocket money Lagi *mati kaLau ayah baca neh* my dad's the cooLest sebab beLiau adeLah orang yang banyak infLuence CG daLam Life nie...he's a good advisor and of coz he's the best !!! *puji2 nie ade makna tahu...ingat free ?? giggLes* muke beLiau nampak garang, but when u've met him he's not that fierce Lah...tapi kaLau bakaL menantu, maybe a bit tense di situ...hahahha~ weLL, i hope that i can find someone as good as my dad, funny, open minded, Loving and wise enough...Love u ayah !! happy birthday again yang ke 54 *yeekee ?? some said my dad Looks Like 40's, yeah right~*

so, this song is not for u ok ayah...ngahahaha~ saje nak tempek kat sini....sharing is Loving u aLL~

so, sape tak kinaL budak daLam video neh Lebih baik duduk daLam hutan kawan dengan beLangkas and beruk sekaLian...she's najwa Latif and she's very taLented in music...paLing geram tengok dye main gitar...eventhough cord yang dye main tuh takdeLah macam hebat sangat tapi stiLL sound nice...kaLau nak tengok bLog dye, boLeh kLik sini : NAJWA LATIF...memang awesome budak nie...tak caya, jom Layan page dye kat youtube : NAJWA LATIF'S YOUTUBE ... enjoy !!


Jahirah said...

hepy besday gak tok ayah n kwn CG...:) haruslah bodek2 ckit ayah tu..haha

cik gojes :) said...

A : yeah !!! itu harus !! bukan harus...wajib...sumber pendapatan utama~

Salmiza S. said...

happy birthday untuk ayah CG...!! =)

cik gojes :) said...

SS : terima kasih bagi pihak ayah =)