budak giLee ini memang nak kene hempok dengan aku...tag banyak2 soaLan tapi tak mau bagi aku copy-paste !! cisskek kau wahai budak bernama
izzatuL shazni !! weLL, i tak sukee nak hampakan permintaan orang...because i tahu, paparazzi semua sedang bersedia nak korek segaLa rahsia i kan
*berLagak diva siot !! Lempang Laju2* weLL, takpe Lah...i jawab jugak ~

nasib baik budak ini tag soaLan2 basic...heh !
1.reaL name : Amira bt Adnan
*as stated in IC*2.nickname : mirad
*paLing comman orang panggiL* , mira
*orang2 tertentu panggiL* , ya or kak ya
*famiLy* , mirod
*irna, kak nana and iQa sengaL panggiL* ..teehee =)
3.zodiac sign : i'm a taurusian !!
*ganas weyh*4.maLe or femaLe : haL-haLf
*diorang yang cakap!*5.eLimentary schooLs : sekoLah kebangsaan ampang (SKA), sekoLah rendah agama kampung meLayu ampang (SRAKMA)
*ingat siot !*6.high-schooLs : sekoLah menengah dato' ahmad razaLi (SMKDAR)
*2 weeks* , sekoLah menengah sains raja tun azLan shah (SERATAS)
*ye tahu, sekoLah banyak monyet tuh*7.coLLege : koLej matrikuLasi meLaka (KMM), currentLy in universiti tun hussein onn maLaysia (UTHM terchenta)
8.hair coLour : girLs-jumpe aku kaLau nak tahu, guys-nikah duLu baru tengok sendiri =)
9.taLL or short : it depends =)
10.sweats or jeans : jeans
11.phone or camera : phone !! with camera
*teknoLogi dah maju sayang*12.heaLth freak : definiteLy not, untiL the diet proggramme started
*sigh*13.orange or appLe : appLe !!
*sweet and sour*14.do you have a crush on someone : recentLy yes !
*maLu*15.eat or drink : drink..
*diet.diet.diet*16.piercings : can't heLp cute ear-rings
*hehe*17.pepsi or coke : warm water
*tak favour sangat gassy drinks*HAVE YOU EVER ?? :
1.been in airpLane : a few times
2.been in reLationship : a few times
3.been in a car accident : a few times *macho kan*
4.been in a first fight : of coz
1.first househoLed chores : basuh, angkat dan Lipat kain =) *phd sudah*
2.first bestfriend : nur ain abduLLah radzi, time skoLah rendah *skang hiLang manee ntah..giggLes*
3.first award : best performer in dancing *nie cerita tadika* jangan geLak !!
4.first crush : budak satu batch mase skoLah rendah *sape suruh dye hensem sangat*
5.first word : nanti aku tanye mak bapak aku kayh ?? *giLak punye soaLan*
6.first section : section ape ??
7.Last person u taLked to in person : kak pah !! dye dok bebeL2 sambiL onLine tadi *wink2*
8.Last person u text : irna *ajak teman pegi beLi barang kat bp*
9.Last person u watched movie with : irna, kecik, ash, syafiq dengan miruL =)
10.Last food u ate : appLe untuk Lunch *katee tengah diet kan*
11.Last movie u watched : damping maLam *geng2 mizi Lah nie ! caLabe*
12.Last song u Listen to : unintended - muse *siap feeLing2 nyanyi Lagi weyh*
13.Last thing u bought : books and stationary *semangat*
14.Last person u hugged : irna *mase hantar dye masok perwira baLik..hahaha*
1.food : cream-puff and egg tart !! *yummy*
2.drink : teh ais parit *addicted..pakcik bubuh ganja yea ??*
3.bottoms : anything wiLL do =)
4.fLower : white tuLips *ngadeeeenyee*
5.animaL : hamster and rabbits !! *kiut weyh*
6.coLor : rainbow coLour and bLack !!
7.movies : my bestfriend's wedding, harry potter and raise your voice...
8.subject : music, arts and Languages
(put an X in the bracket if yes)
1.[x] faLLing in Love with someone.
2.[ ] ceLebrate hoLLoween.
3.[x] had your heart broken.
4.[ ] went over the minutes / texts on yor ceLLphone.
5.[ ]had someone questioned my sexuaL orientation.
6.[ ]got pregnant.
7.[ ]had an abortion.
8.[x]did something i regret.
9.[x]broke a promise.
10.[x]hide a secret.
11.[x]pretend to be happy. *before*
12.[x]met someone who change your Life.
13.[ ]pretend to be sick.
14.[ ]Left country.
15.[x]try something normaLLy you woLdn't try, and Like it.
16.[x]cried over the siLLiest thing.
17.[x]ran a miLe. *currentLy started*
18.[x]went to the beach with your bestfriend.
19.[x]got into an argument with your friend.
20.[ ]hated someone.
21.[x]stayed singLe for the whoLe year. *stiLL waiting*
1.want kids ? : bak kata dr.seow ta wee, sampai monopous ! *giLak*
2.want to get married ? : dah tu mane nak datang anak kan ???
3.career : pLanning on having my own bussiness...bisnes ape ?? tunggu sajee Lah~
1.Lips or eyes : eyes (^_^) pure beauty without contact Lense *jangan marah*
2.shorter or taLLer : it depends =)
3.romantic or spontaneous : spontaneous creates the romantic situations *raaawwrr*
4.nice stomach or nice arm : nice arm *pLace to hoLd on to...giggLes*
5.hook-up or reLationship : definiteLy reLationship *where everything wiLL be part of Learning*
6.Looks or personaLity : personaLity *Looks is just a bonus to me*
1.yourseLf : i have to ! beLieve myseLf first before beLieve others.
2.miracLes : it happends due to god's wiLL.
3.Love at first sight : percaya dengan perancangan tuhan =)
4.heaven : yes !
5.santa cLause : nope.
6.superstitions : sometimes. *it's good to make me foLLow the ruLes*
7.kiss on the first date : i beLieve but never done that.. *ape rasee heh ?*
1.is there one person u want to be with right now ? : yes. *bLushing*
2.do u know who your reaL friends are : finaLLy i met them aLready !
3.do u beLieve in god : never doubt !
4.post as 100 truth : aLL the above are truth *tak pandai menipu*
nak tag sebab nak kenaL Lebih rapat :
-semua yang membaca nie *Leave your Link in the comment box* -
thant's aLL, thank u membaca !! saye nak berkenaLan dengan awak puLak...kaLau tak sudi tak pee (-.-)'